I can’t believe it’s been 11 months!
It’s been brought to my attention that I sound rather sad. (And I thought I was being ironic!) Surprisingly though, I’m not. Both Bear and I have had tough moments, yes, but we’ve managed to always, eventually find the humor – or IRONY – in each individual step in this whole process. Even as we cry while writing multiple thousand-dollar checks on a daily basis (like this week, so far, and especially for stuff that MAY get demolished in a half a year!), … oh who am I kidding! It sucks! It all sucks!!
But, we’ve managed.
Because of the findings from that big fire at the Jersey shore – that it started in the electrical wiring damaged by the salt water from Sandy under the boardwalk – anyone flooded by Sandy (like, us) has to have pipes and wires touched by salt water replaced and certified as having been fixed.
The trailer is leaving on Friday, and we’re trying to get everything coordinated so that we’ll have all the normal amenities – like electric, hot water, sewer, gas, internet/phone, that sort of stuff – when we move back in. (Right now, the gas company is being rather dickish, so we’re not sure about gas for hot water and the stove…)
I’ll let everyone know how it went when it’s all over!
THEN we can start with the hoping that water surges from the last two years were simply an expression of the randomness of nature and that it won’t happen again THIS year, before we can do whatever we’re going to eventually do here!