So What Else Is New? – or, Why I Joined A Gym

We’ve been back in the house for, going on, 3 weeks. I’m enraged that we STILL don’t have hot water (or heat or stove or washer, but who’s counting, right?) b/c the gas company…oh, never mind. It’s political, I’m sure, and a bit dickish, but they’re the type, I fear, that would take their ball and go home if we were to question their, uh, tactics. It doesn’t matter WHY, we just DON’T.

And that is why we joined the gym. For the hot water. (But I’m staying for the machines that keep my joints bendy!) Thank god it’s not freezing cold yet. Mmmmmm…I recall being exactly here last year!

(The running theme thru this whole experience has been something about bathing…!)

(But don’t mind me, I’m all out of rhythm. Even my circadian rhythm is severely screwed up! I can’t seem to go to bed before 3 am, which means, of course, that I don’t rise til later… I keep my brother’s (Eric) hours, but w/o the output (music)!)


The latest news, however, might (and I say MIGHT) be reason to hope.

New York Rising is a state organization that was formed to hand out Sandy funds distributed by the federal gov’t – most of those funds go for state repairs to, like, fix boardwalks, roads, etc, but a little goes to us, homeowners. They came and assessed our home, the work we’ve already done, and the work that needs to be done, to bring everything up to code (moving it up, raising it, rising…get it?).

Anyway, this structure is SO OLD that to raise it and then repair it is the stupidest waste of money I can think of! So, Bear & I would like them to BUY US OUT. (I didn’t think we’d be eligible for that, but we actually MIGHT!)

In all cases, however…nothing’s happening TODAY. And TODAY is all that matters when you’re talking to a “department” (as opposed to an individual!).


Who knew I’d have to go thru such CRAP to finally learn to live in the moment!

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