The Longest Month…



Well, we’re having a winter this year.  (By “we” I mean ALL of us!)


But I remember snow forts and ice storms as a kid.  (It wasn’t just b/c I was shorter!)  Am I wrong to think that whenever we have a “mild” winter, as we have had for several years now, we’re lucky?  (By “mild”, of course, I mean it’s anything OTHER than a year like this one!)  We haven’t been visited by polar air in a while, yes, but it’s not like it NEVER has ventured this south in our lifetimes … ahhhh, we’re old.  I see now.

Or is that how soft we’ve become?  (That last “we” was the universal kind b/c I don’t have the guts to say “young folks”, or some other equally snippy-thing.)


But I hope everyone’s staying warm.  We’re fine, unless the Vortex is visiting with the Polar Air, in which case it just blows thru the house.


Just gotta keep waiting … Spring is bound to come!


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